Dr. Siladitya Ray, MD is a Consutant Psychiatrist, Stress Management Consultant, Relationship & Sexual Health Expert & a Life Coach. He is practicing for the last 21 years. He is richly experienced in Psychological Medicine (Psychiatry ) with special interest in Modern Psychiatry and Transcultural Psychiatry. He is also a well-known Stress Management Strategist. As a Stress Management Expert, he has been invited by various Companies to give lectures and workshops in Corporate Stress Management. His Stress Management Module has a unique focus of tapping the internal psychological resources of each individual so that efficient performance delivery can be achieved by cognitive self-regulation and resource integration. Dr. Ray’s Stress Management Module is largely self-developed and is very easy to grasp and follow. His Stress Management Program is based on his strong conviction that stress reduction can be effectively achieved by self-examination, attitude shift and internal core resource mobilization. Companies who have hired him as a Stress Management Expert have been enormously benefitted.
He is also a leading Relationship & Sexual Health Expert in India. He regularly contributes and gives interviews in the ‘Relationship’ section of the popular women’s fashion magazine ‘Femina’. He also contributes for ‘Cosmopolitan’ & ‘Maxim’, apart from the national dailies and television news channels.
He has been doing travel writing and making travel documentaries in India and Abroad for the last 10 years.
1B/301,Siddhachal Apartment Vasant Vihar, Thane (W) Maharashtra- 400601
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